If you grew up in the 90’s you probably heard of a little game called POGs.
It started as a popular school game in Hawaii. Cardboard bottle caps were
collected from the popular POG brand and were put into stacks and
slammed with metal bottle caps. The game came over to the mainland
and spread like wildfire, and we are about to spread it again!
The other great thing about this template is that it can be used to make
some cool 90’s ‘flare’ pins or keychains to bling out your jean jacket or bags.
Enter your name and email below to sign up to our fun newsletter and I’ll
send the you our POG Printable as a gift.
- A Cardboard Cereal Box
- Glue Stick
- A 1 1/4″ Hole Punch – or scissors
- Our POG Printable – Enter your name and email below to sign up to
our fun newsletter and I’ll send the you our POG Printable as a gift.
1. First, print out our POG Printable.
2. Next glue them onto the back of a cereal box.
3. Now, cut out the circles with your 1 1/4″ hole punch or scissors.
Your POG pieces are done and you’re ready to play!
1. Find a good surface to play on. You want something that’s not going to
damage when you throw a coin at it. We do it on our kitchen floor or a
mat or tray.
2. Get a coin to use as your ‘slammer’ we used a US Dollar coin, but a
Quarter or any big coin would work.
3. Stack your POGs face down in a pile.
4. Flip to see who goes first. This is usually a 2 player game.
5. Whoever goes first ‘slams’ the deck and gets to keep any of the POGs
that get flipped right side up.
6. Take turns ‘slamming’ the deck and collecting your POGs.
7. Once all the POGs have been collected the game is over. Count your
POGs and whoever has the most is the winner. You can also play ‘for keeps’
so whichever POGs you turned over you get to keep.
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