This easy to sew cookie softie is our contribution to Sew a Softie for July. Sew a Softie was started by an awesome Australian named Trixi. It’s an initiative that encourages adults and children to get away from their screens and discover the amazing fulfillment of creating something by sewing. And let me tell you, it really is amazing, especially watching a child sew.
My 6 yr old girl has done a few softies now, including one of her favorites, her first project. The pride in her face when she was done was priceless, and I could see the box of possibilities open up in her mind. The list of things we could make grew very quickly from there, and now we like to give softies as gifts to friends. How sweet and cool is that?!
When I asked my girl what she wanted to sew for Sew-A-Sofie July her immediate answer was a Cookie. She is a big fan of Cookie Swirl C so a cookie was a no brainer. Turns out cookies are quite popular among the young folk. We gave one of our little cookie softies to her 2 yr old cousin who was playing with it for ages, pretending to eat it and putting it on different plates, it was pretty cute.
As Trixi always says, every softie should have a mini, so of course we made some mini cookies as well. We hope you enjoy them!

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- 2 sheets of 8″x12″ Light Brown or Tan Felt
- 1 sheet or some scraps of Dark Brown Felt
- A little scrap of Black, White and Light Pink Felt
- Pink Yarn (optional for the mouth)
- Tacky Glue
- Needle
- Thread or Embroidery Floss
- Polyester Fiberfill
- Scissors
- Pins
- Our Cookie Softie Printable – Enter your name and email below to sign up to our fun newsletter and I’ll send the you our Cookie Softie Printable straight away as a gift.
1. Print and cut out your template pieces and pin them onto your relevant color of felt. Once pinned cut around the template. I actually found this really cool freezer paper hack where you don’t have to pin on the paper, you can just print on freezer paper then iron it on. Check it out here.

2. Arrange your pieces on your cookie. We started with the eyes and cheeks, then cut out fun little chocolate chips, from the dark brown felt, and placed them where we wanted. Get creative with this part, my son gave his cookie a chocolate chip nose, whereas my daughter made all her chocolate chips heart shaped and gave her cookie a heart shaped mouth.

3. Once you have everything in place it’s time to glue everything down. You can also sew everything, but my little ones aren’t so patient on this front. We love Tacky Glue for doing this, regular white glue doesn’t work with felt, but tacky glue works really well!
When gluing I helped put the glue on the small pieces then my little ones placed them on the felt.

4. If you want to sew a yarn mouth like we did start by threading a large needle and tying a knot around the eye of the needle. Then at the corner of the mouth come up from the back of the cookie to the front. Create a little smile my drooping the yarn then poke a hole at the other corner of the mouth and go through to the back again, making sure not to pull too tightly so you keep your smile shape. Finally come up from the back of the cookie again, this time in the middle of the mouth and create a little loop to hold the smile in place. Once you have your smile tie a knot in the back of the cookie and cut any excess yarn.

5. Remember to cut and glue some chips on the back of your cookie.

6. Now pin your two cookie sides together with the chocolate chips facing out, and the blank sides facing inwards

7. Sew your cookie together using an overcast or whip stitch. This is the simple stitch that is looped over the end. My lovely friend Trixi has an excellent tutorial here. Remember to leave a gap to fill it with fiberfill.

8. Finally, stuff with polyester fiberfill and sew closed.

You’re done! Fluff out the stuffing to give it a nice shape and give your little cookie plushie a name and a snuggle.
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