Welcome, thanks for stopping by.
I’m Shelly, Chief Creative here at Creating Creatives. Well that’s what my mini creatives think, little do they know that THEY are the ones who are getting me to think outside the box… shhhh, lets just keep that between us.
In fact that’s why I created Creating Creatives – try saying that 3 times fast!
I wanted to create an online space with fun and simple projects to exercise the imagination, inspire thinking outside of the box, and encourage creative exploration.

Since you’re here right now, something tells me you like to get down with your creative self.
Maybe you…
- Are super crafty, however, since having children you find you don’t have anytime to get in touch with your creative self anymore.
- Feel you need a little inspirational spark to light your creative fire.
- Also want to be a Chief Creative who nourishes your creative soul through the genius of your children.
Well you have come to the right place friend, I’m glad you’re here!

What I love about the two quotes above is that if you are a parent, teacher or caregiver, you are surrounded by children who hold this magical, creative, artistic power! So it’s up to us to harvest this inclination for play, spark their curiosity, empower them to explore and put their ideas to the test. In doing so we are exposing ourselves to their beautiful thoughts and insights, thus, their magic sparks of creativity meet with our own and create a sparkling beautiful fire. Sorry I couldn’t help myself, I just love adding sparkles, but to take it out of fairy talk, we can both learn and grow together in our creative process – we help them to be creative, and they help us.
Join me on my journey in creating your own creatives by subscribing to my weekly newsletter, which is filled with awesome links, new printables and a weekly tip to keep your creative mind in tip top shape.

As Chief Creative I will lead our tribe to…
- Explore unique projects as well as the good ol’ dependable favorites.
- Include discussion points and extensions in our projects, so there are no awkward silences.
- The best resource page with our favorite supplies, inspiring books and stimulating articles.
- Magical tips that will ease the creative process and everyone thinking you are a creative genius, which, lets face it, you ARE.
- Pay attention and support one another, so please do share your thoughts and suggestions.

Before I became a Chief Creative…
I got my Bachelors in Arts & Fine Arts, went traveling around the world then found my first post college job in the film industry. Its going on 14 years now! I worked my way up from Production Assistant to my dream of becoming a Visual Effects Producer. I started my film career in the graphics department on Harry Potter, in fact some of my designs can still be seen at Universal’s Harry Potter World – the Zonko’s Logo and Fishy Green Ale *insert giddy dance here*. After my little graphics stint I moved over to visual effects (all the cool stuff done by a computer), where I continued to work in the wizarding world and also worked on some other little films such as The Dark Knight, Twilight Saga, Life of Pi, TMNT and Star Trek Beyond. The film industry has taught me so much and given me many opportunities. However, as time progressed in my film journey, I also picked up the most incredible husband and had 3 delightful children.
During my long days on set and in reviews I would often think of my family. During my long drives to work I would listen to podcasts about starting my own business and started thinking about what I could do. At the same time, I began doing more art and craft projects with my little creatives. On the weekends, and whenever time would allow, we would bust out the glitter paint, popsicle sticks, colored paper, scissors and glue, put on some good tunes and just create. It filled me with such joy, I realized how much I had grown up, and forgotten how to “try it and see what happens”. I soon realized my little creatives treasured this time too and would come up to me asking what we were making next, and when that time would be? It was in this moment that the lightbulb went off. I wanted to have a space to share our creative adventures with others and inspire them to spend time with their creatives, filling them with as much joy as I had, thus Creating Creatives was born. ♥
If you’re interested in finding out more about me click on the links below:
Oh Creative Lady Interview with Shannon from Oh Creative Day. Find out about my wizarding past, what I’m most proud of, where I find inspiration, and a great acronym my dad always reminds me about.
All About Playing with Ana from PinkNounou. Find out about our favorite playground, what storybook characters my kids would want to be, our favorite thing to do on a free day and so much more!
And Now For Some Quirky Insights About Yours Truly

Watermelon (always), my glue gun, sparkly things (I have ‘Oooo Shiny’ syndrome) Instagram, water with fruit in it

Blossom Dearie, Bob Marley, Desmond Dekker, Blue Grass, 80’s rap, The Cat Empire, and Jack Johnson (he had me at Banana Pancakes) ummmm and so so so much more!

Iced Coffee, Hot Coffee, Cappuccinos, Lattes, Macchiatos, Flat Whites, Cold Brew and coconut water (must stay hydrated!)

Stickers on the bottom of high heeled shoes, flies in my house, tags sticking out of shirts, oh and people who take all the toys out and leave them around the house, I mean who does that?!

Warm weather, tart frozen yogurt, the beach, flip flops, gaudy, gold and glitter oh and Marmite!

♥ Do what you love, and you’ll love what you do! ♥